Saturday, October 8, 2011

Invisible Presence

This is th3 a verse from the first song written by myself and two of my closest brothers. Together, we became Th3 S4G4.
It was for a song we recorded titled 
"Invisible Presence"

The hook went a lil something like this:
When life gives me the cold shoulder Lord be my sweater
Without you my life is through, finished, won't get any better,
Don't let another sentence escape without the meaning or lesson 
We stressing, the essence of the Invisible Presence.

Is it the smell of un-fumigated aromas attacking your nostrils,
Perhaps that many year flashback from contact with fossils,
Ever hear things, like a phone ring split seconds before it does,
Or refrain from smoking trees but still wake up with a buzz,
Perhaps it was a dream or should I say reality in your sleep,
Falling deep in states of slumber as your consciousness retreats,
All that's left is untold thoughts with messages intertwined like,
Two movies playing on one screen from a VCR that won't rewind,
Take heed to your wake up see how dreams and nightmares affect the mood you're in
And develop invisible thoughts that only drop hints leaving you confused again,
Ever wonder if there are external forces pushing you in directions,
Like God's angels and Satan do-boys persuading your mental selections,
Not just in critical situations but decisions in everyday life,
If you stop and think whats wrong versus what's right is a constant fight,
More like a spiritual warfare spontaneous inside your cranium,
Evil forces blinding God's children from the truth by retraining them,
De-braining men aiming them towards empty promises and broken dreams,
Seems insane to the blind but they have ears I pray they hear what it means,
Plain and simple, the battleground is inside the realm of the mind,
Through these rhymes I pray you climb up out of the hole and search to find,
The B.I.B.L.E. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth but first
Listen to your heart, not the tongues of others and take it for what its worth,
Fix your eyes NOT, on what is seen, but what is UNseen,
For what is UNseen is eternal and what is seen is unclean.

--Pace The Unshamed Alchemist -click me to see my other interests
Originally written in 2000. Published world wide for all to see in 2011

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